
Saving options: BASIS, additional insurance for medicine, reduced premium  

Higher deductibles = more responsibility

KLuG offers the highest legally permitted discount on deductibles. Take more responsibility and benefit from the low premiums. It’s worth it and pays off.

Age-groupDeductibles (CHF)Saving effect

2'500.–up to 35%


Discount for children = per family

KLuG thinks of the children and grants a premium discount between 71 and 77% depending on canton.

Discount in case of accident insurance suspension

If you are insured against occupational and non-occupational accidents with your employer (weekly minimum of 8 working hours), you can suspend the accident cover of the mandatory health insurance. This will save you 4 - 5%. Ask us for the accident cover suspension form or print it out.

Hospital insurances

You can choose your annual deductible and take more responsibility for the additional hospital insurances HOSPITAL Semi-Private and HOSPITAL Private and save massively on your premiums – up to 35%.

Deductible (CHF)Saving effect

Discount for families and partners

If several persons are insured under the same contract that has a single premium payer, we grant a 10% discount on additional insurances (except UTI and KTI capital insurances). For 2 people or more who live in the same household you can benefit from a 5% discount; and for 3 people or more you save 10%. For our legal costs insurance KLuG Advocare PLUS we give a 25% discount for 2 persons or more with the relevant cover.

Discount in case of accident insurance suspension

You can save 10% on some additional insurance policies if an equivalent private additional insurance covers this risk.

The cantons grant people on a low income a reduced premium payment in accordance with individual needs. This support is usually not provided automatically and is handled differently depending on canton. It’s worth your while to ask your municipal authorities or the responsible compensation office whether you are eligible. Exercise this right!

Sparen bei den Zusatzversicherungen

Sparen bei Medikamenten

Mail order pharmacy

You can help save costs and order your medicines from our partner MediService. The specialist MediService pharmacy delivers your medicines quickly, conveniently and discreetly to your home.

When ordering from MediService you benefit from the following:

  • 5% new customer discount
  • Excellent conditions
  • No delivery costs
  • No pharmacy fees
  • 5% permanent discount on generics
  • Billing is done as usual via KLuG

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New excess regulations

  • The excess regulation applies to all medicines, i.e. original brands and generics.
  • The excess is 20% if the price is more than 20% higher than the average of the most inexpensive medicines if they contain the same active ingredient.
  • The excess of 10% applies if the doctor or chiropractor expressly prescribes the original drug for medical reasons.

You can help lower drug costs by asking your doctor, pharmacist or KLuG about possible savings. An excess of 20% always means that there is a cheaper alternative that contains the same active ingredient. If there are medical reasons to take the original drug, the doctor can note it down and exempt the insured person from the 20% excess.

Price comparison, comparing excesses for drugs


Generics are copied drugs. They can be manufactured once a drug’s patent has run out. These successor drugs contain the same active ingredients as the original product. Clinically they are as effective as the original.

Choose generic drugs

Because there are no high development costs associated with generics, they are much cheaper than the original drugs. They offer a good opportunity to save costs without compromising the therapeutic effects.

Looking for generics?
Generics search